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Full Moon in Scorpio 3-4 May


Wesak Full Moon, Flower Moon , Mother’s Moon!

Mantra: Transforming our shadows into flowers from our heart …

The month of May opens with intense energy, this full moon highlights the shade, we are called to go down into the most abandoned areas of our being in order to dare to light a small candle …
A glimmer of conscience in the dark, daring to travel in these unknown areas, dare to become an alchemist and transform the sludge into gold ….

The scorpion Moon talks about these repressed emotions, swallowed, those that engage our physical body, those that often prevent us from feeling free and aligned with life. They can be magnified these days because the Full Moon is square to Jupiter in leo.
When we enter the realms of Scorpio we are asked not to resist but to accept the energy of change, transformation and rebirth. One such symbol is the phoenix reborn from the ashes. On the eve of full moon we can go to our inner selves and take time to observe what we ask is reborn, what skin can we get rid of?

For it is also a Flower Full Moon Mother Earth’s Moon, the sun is bull symbol of fertility, creativity, Gaia … it is also a message of hope in light of current events in Nepal after the destruction, the shadow, the rebirth is possible, the flowers can grow again …

This Full Moon is strong, intense as it asks us to get to work or continue to go explore our depths to not get bogged down but able to break free and enjoy life, enjoy the beauty around us. It is the experience of the scorpion taureau- axis, the visible and the invisible, matter and energy, light and shadow, these poles are connected we are to walk like tightrope walkers vigilantly to maintain this delicate balance.

Finally the Full Moon Wesak celebrates Buddha’s birthday and the Neptune sextile to this Full Moon, here I feel a profound appeal to compassion for the other who is in the dark and shadow, sometimes you just (right? – Doesn’t make sense) light a candle, to send our light to this person, in this country …

So again my lights head to all those who feel in the shadows and who do not see doors to get out ….
PS: I offer in readings a consult with your chart in connection with the shadow some planets or locations in our birth chart tell us about these places that we meet more through our reactions (anger, rage, feeling impotence), the theme of reading can help us put conscience on these issues and give us the keys to become alchemists of our reality!

PS (bis): the mantra of this Full Moon came to me in a dream where two of my teachers (coaching and meditation / chakras) told me “your power Resides In transforming the dark in flowers from your heart …”. beautiful message to reflect on this May, what is yours?

Caroline xx

caroline moye

Antigua Guatemala

et France.