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Category Archives: Full Moon

Full Moon in Virgo 12 March

Home made translation…so it might be sometimes quiet frenchy poetic inspire..

Mantra: Cultivating magic in the little things of daily life.

Virgo is often the sign related to order, discipline, routine, the need to classify and analyze its reality, but it would be so reductive to just look at these aspects.

In its original sense, virgo means to be complete, to belong to onself.

It is in the sign of Virgo that one individualizes oneself, that one consolidates the inner flame ….

This Full Moon brings back to the surface old patterns. They can result difficil to grasp, blurred ( the moon is  opposed Mercury, Chiron, Pallas Athena and Sun in Pisces).

We may feel confusion interwoven with hope, an intuition that seems there but does not seem to descend into words and ground …

This is the core challenge of the Virgo/ Pisces axis. In Pisces  we seek communion with the Whole, to dissolve who we are, to rise and reunite with Source..

Nevertheless, for some this hypersensitivity makes us fly too high , and   can generate all kinds of anxiety or difficulties to feel  we belong to this world …

During this full moon with Mercury square in Saturn and conjonct Chiron, it is our mind, our ability to communicate that is triggered: Sometimes it can be so difficult to say what goes beyond words, to explain a suffering, some deep feelings that seem coming from nowhere.

Yes,  we can know the beauty of life, to be aware that everything is perfect, that everything has a plan, but what happens when even after many therapies of all kinds, spiritual readings or personal development, something in us resists or emerges again …

There comes the delicate moment: Virgo might start to criticize ourself, trying to put this pattern into boxes, tracing the cause of the consequences of the causes..etc….and that is when we open ourselves to pisces’mystery  of what Is, was and will be” …

Anxiety can arise in the face of the limitations of the time passing and yet there are moments of intense beauty when we feel ourselves in communion with the All,with  a child, a loved one …

The call of this Full Moon remains in a subtile balance, which invites us to work with Virgo initiation. Virgo reminds us that in the small , the little, we can understand the whole, that all symptoms of the body, the mind are signs that connect us to something bigger. Sometimes we will not understand everything but we can feel at least our reliance, that we are not alone …

Pallas Athena conjonct  the Sun can help us in this process of healing, she symbolizes creative intelligence, with her owl she sees beyond appearances, with the snake she is calling for healing and regeneration …

So yes, let’s be gentle with our resistances, our weaknesses, our vulnerabilities. Thanks to Pallas Athena, Let’s arm ourselves with courage., let’ s relate to our inner shaman through Chiron, accept that our mind is a tricker (Mercury) in order to continue our journey towards individualization, to become who we are in depth, to actualize our potential …

On this Full Moon Day,  Virgo’s energies can help us create a ritual to align your aspirations with the everyday, so that wisdom and spirituality fit into the little gestures we repeat on a daily basis….

Caroline xx

SuperFull Moon in Aries 16 oct

Mantra: Calling for inner revolution
Claims: Be authentic, adhere only to the truth of the heart ..

It is a powerful Full Moon, roaring, as her call for change is intense and stirring. This is reinforced by the fact that it is located very close to the Earth, we feel her vibration even more …

She touches the axis Aries-Libra, the axis of relationships, of our deepest desires. On one hand stands Aries the fierce pioneer, the adventurer who loves to walk unexplored paths with the guidance of his inner call. On the other hand, we have Libra revealing our desire for harmony, peace and commitment in our relationships. 

With the intense energies of this Full Moon, the Libra archetype has to face its imbalance: when our desire for harmony merges with the others so that we lose our unique flavor, our tastes, our aspirations.

However, this full Moon conjunct Uranus, the great awakener of consciousness and Eris, goddess of chaos (this will be especially true for some people in key points of your natal chart) . We cannot ignore the intensity of the screaming internal voice, which we stifle. We want to free ourselves from old patterns that prevent us from living, speaking and daring to put into action our deepest truth.

Make no mistake, chaos remains on the surface because it dissipates. Let us blow away the foundations that are not true, those built from the layers of what we believe to be or what others project onto us ..

Although, Aries ruled by Mars can cause us rumbling anger, which seems to explode at any moment. This is not to deny it but to transform such an alchemist in order to realize the creative power it contains.

Mars approaching Pluto can only invite us to let out this intense wave of creative and liberating energy. It will do it by destroying and purifying what is fake: our erroneous actions, our toxic relationships …

The conflict, violence may not be necessary, even if the intensity of some of our inner experiences can make us afraid ..
Instead it is the alive, creative energy which liberates and which will explode our inner limitations and erroneous patterns ..

This is of course a process that this full moon can highlight by shedding light on what we have stifled for too long: the restrictions and limitations that we experience in order to maintain harmony or the status quo in our lives, in our families, in our work …
What she breathes deeply is of a rebellious nature, much like Eris the spiritual warrior. A rebellion against the unfair, the false, the unfounded and outdated traditions. But she also looks at the conflict that starts within.

This is a process of purification so we can recover this inner peace between parts of ourselves that seem to be opposite. How can we reconcile the fiery Aries and its intense need to brush against the limits with the sweetness of Libra? How can we reconcile a crying need for independence, to be a free spirit with the compromise and commitment that our relationships require?

Are we ready for the challenge? This anger that we turn against us or that blows constantly on the outside, can it not rather be a driver for courage and strength? So we can dare to dance between the opposing poles! Dare to walk our unique way, overcoming the Uranian challenge of feeling so different, feeling like we don’t fit in.

What if our differences are the greatest gifts that we have been given so we can contribute to the world? What if our limits were just a dead skin that is requesting to molt? What if it was easier than we think?

What could be possible if we did not forget that all we each have within us is just an unsuspected force that is alive …

Caroline xx

Full Moon in Aquarius 18 aug.

Mantra: Je choisis l’Amour plutôt que la Peur

C’est une Pleine Lune forte qui ouvre la saison des éclipses dans le signe du Verseau, elle nous parle de notre besoin de liberté, de pouvoir exprimer notre singularité, notre manière unique d’être au monde…

Dans cette saison du soleil en Lion, nous avons continué notre quête à la recherche de ce Graal intérieur, en essayant de devenir plus authentique, en irradiant ce que nous sommes depuis le coeur…maintenant nous rentrons dans notre communauté afin de partager des bribes ou l’intégralité de ce trésor…

Dès lors se dresse le défi du Verseau: est-ce que l’information nouvelle que j’ai reçu va être comprise, bien reçue, est ce que ma différence va m’exclure ? Suis je prêt à prendre le risque d’oser exprimer pleinement mon individualité, mon originalité ?

Et oui, cette lune nous demande d’oser, oser cultiver nos talents uniques et singuliers, nous avons tous ce brin de folie douce qui fait de nous un être singulier. Uranus qui influence cette lune positivement nous rappelle que plus nous nous individualisons, plus nous choisissons de suivre cette liberté intérieure , plus nous contribuons au monde, nous le faisons avancer, bouger, grandir en conscience…

Attention, Uranus vient aussi “cahotiser” tout ce qui est faux, il va nous mettre au défi de cultiver le vrai en nous, les couches superficielles explosent sous son influence…

Pour certains, nous le percevons, car il nous donne le sentiment de ne plus pouvoir respirer dans une relation, un travail, nous ressentons dès lors l’urgence de fuir, partir, nous envoler vers un lieu plus loin, plus idéal…

Cependant, il n’est peut être pas nécessaire d’être aussi radicale, même si cette sensation d’étouffement nous dit sans doute que nous ne pouvons nous exprimer complètement, que des parties de nous même s’éteignent doucement…

Osons les réveiller, oui je sais c’est vraiment effrayant!!! Que va penser notre entourage!!!

Cette Pleine Lune est aussi marquée par un trigone Pluton Vénus ( conjointe au Noeud Nord), pour certaines cela peut vraiment venir réveiller notre énergie féminine, l’avons nous éteinte, dévalorisée, maltraitée? Venus dans le signe de la Vierge peut nous parler de notre corps et Pluton des zones d’ombres face à ce corps ( les obsessions, la manipulation, le pouvoir mal utilisé) : Comment est-ce que je me relie à mon corps? Quel est mon dialogue avec lui? Est ce que je me sens libre , est ce que je l’apprécie?
( je détaille plus ces questions dans le podcast).

Ce sont des questions fortes car le Noeud Nord nous parle de là où nous allons collectivement, vers ce rééquilibrage des énergies féminines. En cette pleine Lune Lion Verseau, il nous est demandé sans doute de ne pas oublier que plus nous guérissons l’énergie féminine en nous, plus notre quête de l’héroïne choisit l’amour de son corps, de son être, plutôt que la peur de n’être pas assez belle(beau), désirable, trop vieille (vieux)…nous contribuons à soigner l’ensemble des femmes et des hommes..

C’est un chemin d’attention de chaque instant, revenir au coeur, à l’amour, n’est-ce pas la chose réelle et véritable dans ce monde? Cette ouverture du coeur? Notre coeur qui semble, vibrer, s’ouvrir devant la beauté de ce qui est, et ce malgré la peur et la violence…
Prenons le risque d’aimer, aimer sans qualifier, sans retenir, sans attacher, juste aimer…

Caroline xx

Super full Moon In Pisces

Mantra: Being vulnerable is a strength

This is a Full Moon that “hyper sensitizes” us, she is asking us to open our heart and spirit to others, to the invisible, to spirit … (the Moon is in conjunction with Neptune)

If emotions are on edge, let them sink, offer them to the Earth and to the Heavens; so we can connect to this invisible energy and magic that allows us to feel  alive.

Celebrating whatever emotions come up, do not run from them  but sit with them and listen to what they have to say … What are our true aspirations? If we can find a better job, a new dress, a house and the desire to be free,  radiant and  full of vitality. Maybe then we would see that a walk with nature is already giving us what we need  and fulfilling the desire for freedom and vitality.

The sign of Pisces takes us into the mysteries of the unknown where saying to much about this sign is already taking the risk of putting too much words…

The axis of this Full Moon Virgo-Pisces invites us to explore the link between everyday reality and the unseen world of the collective unconscious, artistic and spiritual aspiration.

I said in my last article a key for me is ritual …. Virgo invites us to organize our daily activities intelligently, Poisson instead plunges into chaos, when suddenly the unexpected asks us to abandon this organization.

Transforming routine into rituals  is inviting the presence of spirit into our daily lives. It asks us to remember every day that a force greater than us exists and guides us… A ritual is above all a proclamation of our intentions to the universe. It can be enhanced by beautiful candles, incense and even  drums but not necessary! Sometimes the ritual can happen in little actions: writing our words on a paper and burning it to get release the old, picking up a stone bury it in the Earth to release a relationship or toxic habit…

Once we release the old, we open a door so that things are different, something magical can occur, a miracle is not it a change of perspective … Of course everything is not settled so far, but we have made a different choice … something happened …

Then in the evening Full Moon, dare we see our sensitivities, our strength vulnerability as one that allows us to connect to something, to have eyes to see beyond the veils, norms and beliefs ….

PS: the ebook on lunar rituals that give you invitations to harmonize with the different phases of the moon is nearing completion just to be translated in English ( any volunteer to correct my English and would give a free reading… it will be freely available to all that enrolls in my newsletter and be accompanied by a little surprise! I invite you to register and also book your return consultation if you want to start the year with different lighting of the stars!

Caroline xx

caroline moye

Antigua Guatemala

et France.