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Category Archives: New Moon


The New Moon plunges us into the obscurity of the night, the moon is invisible…
In the sign of Cancer, she invites us to go inside of ourselves, in the home of our Self: that place where we can take refuge, feel lulled by the murmurs of our inner mother…
This calm, soft place exists in each one of us, it is there in the deepest depths, it waits for us when the storm of emotions, of thoughts are raging.
It’s sometimes through breathing, through the practice of sitting meditation that we can come back to it, by taking conscience of our body, our sacred temple…
There is in this moon an invitation to feel, to really dare take the time to look at what is playing out for ourselves, what we really feel faced with situations, with beings…but also faced with our childhood memories: hurt, rebellious, magical, playful. Where is this inner child? What is it telling us?
May we be able during this New Moon to meet this inner child and mother, be able to find this soft and well-meaning force, so that we can take care of our treasure: our deep self.
Let us connect to these warm and purifying inner waters.
Let us go within ourselves, to the home of our hearts, to let these love energies heal our past or present wounds…
Even if it is an interior moon, you can if you want to ask me a question in a private message, I will answer it as far as I can.
P.S. For Parisians who might be interested by a consultation during my trip to France during the first week of September, give me a sign to organise practical details…

Caroline xx

New Moon in Gemini 28th of May 2014

A new moon in the sign of Gemini gives us the opportunity to reset our beliefs and our vision of the world…

Almost all of us are under the influence of our mind, of these repetitive or obsessive thoughts that inhabit us and that we find hard to quiet, that seems to sometimes light up again if someone says some triggering words…

This new moon asks us not to feel guilty or to criticise ourselves, because even if we know that we need to stay positive, that we create our reality, we cannot do it, we run into certain limits, the doubt is still there…

This moon can open up to us another dimension of the Gemini sign to look at our minds differently…

A detour via mythology can help us, Hermes (Mercury, which is the planet that reigns over the sign of Gemini) is the god of tradesmen, thieves, frontiers, solemn engagements, a magician; he is also the messenger of the gods. It is true that in our birth theme,  he represents where we might lie to ourselves, where we may be betraying ourselves because we are not telling ourselves the truth, but he is also the god of passages, the guardian of their entrances, he who accompanies us when we are at a turning point in our lives, a bridge between our conscious and subconscious, he can help us go down into the depths of our selves to find the information that is missing, that which is hidden and unconsciously sabotages us…

Hermes is also a magician who has the secret of the power of incantations and magical formulas, he can help us decide the new, to open ourselves to the creative power of words…

And finally, he is the god who saves or delivers divine children: he brings Persephone back from the underworld, delivers Dionysos, and helps Heracles. Mercury in our theme is the guardian of our inner child, of our spontaneous divine child, curious, always ready for new adventures.

This new moon opens us up to all these facets and the Neptune square invites us to reconcile our thirst to understand, our logical part to our intuitive part, asks us to be connected to the messages of the universe to synchronicities….

Let’s be attentive during this moon to these messages that arrive every day, around a street corner, when opening a newspaper, on the lips of a stranger…

Let’s open ourselves up to receive these intuitions, these winks from life to help us sow positive thoughts, I therefore send you all thoughts of serenity, openness and trust….

Yes, a new moon to dare to dream, to dare to use hand in hand our imagination and our reason to create possibilities for ourselves, for others, for our Earth that needs it so much…

I open up a sharing space in private messages., I try to respond respecting my time and energy.

Caroline xx

Solar eclipse and New Moon in Taurus 28-29 April

A new moon and a solar eclipse in the sign of Taurus…after some seeds sown recently, daily work seems to open up, and the perseverance of the gardener who cultivates, waters and takes care of these treasures. The solar eclipse amplifies this return to Earth, by giving us the possibility of a reset, as if the rays of sunshine were kept in the dark to help us light it up.

Taurus speaks to us of our link with the earth, of incarnation, it asks us to preserve our garden: a garden that is outside us, nature, the environment, but also inside, the body as a temple.  

The glyph of Taurus on a deeper level drawn with horns, a feminine shape that receives the masculine solar energy and that makes it flesh, that incarnates this light. It’s a sign that tells us of our need for pleasure: in the way of fully wakening our senses to the beauty that surrounds us; at the beauty of being alive, of feeling as if our body is the sacred vehicle for a divine energy. We are the guardians of this temple, the guardians of our earth upon which our body takes roots.

In its need for security, the energy of Taurus attaches itself, wishes to accumulate, thinks that what it has reflects what it is. Mercury conjoined to this new moon can help us really integrate the fact that our value, our brilliance does not come only from our possessions, from the money in our bank account, from a beautiful body, but comes from the live presence that inhabits our body and our relationship to matter. To vibrate and sublimate matter is for me the deep initiation of Taurus: put some sacredness in each of our actions and of our pleasures (conscious nourishment, sexuality, protection of mother earth).

Managed by Venus, at this time in Pisces, the energy asks us also to acquire a global conscience of lunar and terrestrial cycles, like for example re-linking with ancestral matriarchal wisdom, a time when the cult of the Great Goddess was in its peak.

We shine all the more when we take conscience that our life is in harmony with the mysteries of nature and the cosmos.

I would like to again propose a space of sharing in private, please take care to tell me what your time, date and place of birth is, and if you have a specific question which resonates with this new moon.

Caroline xx

New Moon in Pisces 28th of February : 11:59 p.m. PST / 1st March 7:59 a.m. GMT

A New Moon in the sign of Pisces, symbol of the cosmic ocean, of our need for transcendence, of feeling connected to something bigger (God, the Cosmos, Pachamama, the Universal Enery, the Source), breaking the illusion of separation between ourselves and the Other, between ourselves and the world.

Chiron conjunct the new moon, can accentuate this feeling of being separated, can bring up in us deep wounds of solitude, of non-belonging…A separation between our body and our soul, an inadequacy between our interior world lulled by dreams, the imaginary and the exterior reality that we live in…

Chiron in mythology is a half-man, half-animal centaur, our instinctive part is sometimes in a struggle with our desire to elevate ourselves, to verticalise ourselves…It teaches us that it is from our own wounds, from our own process of healing that we accompany others, that it is from this place of vulnerability, suffering, that we develop a compassion for others, a compassion of the heart.

Chiron is more than an energy, it’s a shamanic process of life, of crossing between the worlds to unify, become ourselves, authentic and true…

This New Moon is really strong because it speaks to us about the mystery of life which inhabits us, which puts many of us in a quest for meaning, of truth, so that we can link ourselves to the world and participate in the cosmic symphony whilst sounding true.

Thus, often in the sign of Pisces or under the influence of Neptune, we wish to sacrifice our individuality, to dissolve ourselves and lose ourselves in an imaginary world, of fantasy, of addictions, a search for somewhere else…

This New Moon works us in a deep way because it touches us as humans in our feeling of existing, of being the mysteries of life, of coming to the world for a while and then rejoining the Source (or something else, depending on our beliefs).

This moon is also affected by the retrogradations of Saturn (the 2nd of March in Scorpio) which invites us to be honest with ourselves, to dare to look where we are lying to ourselves or maybe we are cheating in our relations with others; and Mars (the 1st of March in Libra) which asks us to look at the use of force, of anger in our relationship with the Other: are we turning it against us?

And finally, Jupiter turns directl on the 6th of March opens its doors to us after a time of internal retreat, a link to our roots, our sense of belonging..
For those that resonate with Chiron, archetype of the wounded therapist, do not hesitate to contact me to see where he resonates within your theme…

Credit Photo: the dark Siren by Krlos Amstrong

Caroline xx

caroline moye

Antigua Guatemala

et France.