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Category Archives: Pisces

New Moon in Pisces 28th of February : 11:59 p.m. PST / 1st March 7:59 a.m. GMT

A New Moon in the sign of Pisces, symbol of the cosmic ocean, of our need for transcendence, of feeling connected to something bigger (God, the Cosmos, Pachamama, the Universal Enery, the Source), breaking the illusion of separation between ourselves and the Other, between ourselves and the world.

Chiron conjunct the new moon, can accentuate this feeling of being separated, can bring up in us deep wounds of solitude, of non-belonging…A separation between our body and our soul, an inadequacy between our interior world lulled by dreams, the imaginary and the exterior reality that we live in…

Chiron in mythology is a half-man, half-animal centaur, our instinctive part is sometimes in a struggle with our desire to elevate ourselves, to verticalise ourselves…It teaches us that it is from our own wounds, from our own process of healing that we accompany others, that it is from this place of vulnerability, suffering, that we develop a compassion for others, a compassion of the heart.

Chiron is more than an energy, it’s a shamanic process of life, of crossing between the worlds to unify, become ourselves, authentic and true…

This New Moon is really strong because it speaks to us about the mystery of life which inhabits us, which puts many of us in a quest for meaning, of truth, so that we can link ourselves to the world and participate in the cosmic symphony whilst sounding true.

Thus, often in the sign of Pisces or under the influence of Neptune, we wish to sacrifice our individuality, to dissolve ourselves and lose ourselves in an imaginary world, of fantasy, of addictions, a search for somewhere else…

This New Moon works us in a deep way because it touches us as humans in our feeling of existing, of being the mysteries of life, of coming to the world for a while and then rejoining the Source (or something else, depending on our beliefs).

This moon is also affected by the retrogradations of Saturn (the 2nd of March in Scorpio) which invites us to be honest with ourselves, to dare to look where we are lying to ourselves or maybe we are cheating in our relations with others; and Mars (the 1st of March in Libra) which asks us to look at the use of force, of anger in our relationship with the Other: are we turning it against us?

And finally, Jupiter turns directl on the 6th of March opens its doors to us after a time of internal retreat, a link to our roots, our sense of belonging..
For those that resonate with Chiron, archetype of the wounded therapist, do not hesitate to contact me to see where he resonates within your theme…

Credit Photo: the dark Siren by Krlos Amstrong

Caroline xx


Esta luna llena nos sumerge en el eje Virgo- Piscis
El Sol en el Signo de Virgo fija nuestros limites, nuestras fronteras corporales y psiquicas invitándonos a observar de manera meticulosa nuestra manera de funcionar y organizar nuestro día a día, nuestra vida. Define nuestra individualidad , nuestro sentimento de ser únicos…. Algunos podrían decir que nos hace entrar en la rutina.
La luna en piscis que se opone, habla de nuestra necesidad de ritual , de ritualizar nuestra rutina…para que la disciplina de Virgo se convierta en ofrenda al Mundo, a ese océano nostálgico del cual a veces sentimos nostalgia… Entonces, esta luna en piscis quiere hacernos salir de nosotros mismos, de esos límites que nos perjudican, impidiéndonos avanzar en nuestra búsqueda… Quiere disolver las fronteras del ‘yo’ para fundirnos en una pertenencia indiferenciada , hace surgir en nosotros la compasión y la empatía hacia los demás…
Harmonicemos con sutileza esos 2 polos, con el fin de no olvidarnos del otro en la búsqueda de un paraíso perdido, con el fin de no estancarnos en una tristeza melancólica que nos impida vivir un día a día rico en rituales , en pequeños actos iluminados.
Este periodo de Luna Llena nos invita a adentrarnos en nosotros mismos! si nos atrevemos a mirar dentro, a sondear nuestras resistencias profundas. La víspera de esta Luna Llena esta marcada por una conjunción Saturno, Venus, Nodo Norte en el signo de escorpio, esto hace aflorar en nosotros preguntas profundas: Qué es lo que nos impide amar, amarnos, amar al otro en su autenticidad, amar esa parte de nosotros y del otro que nos molestan, que nos apagan? Atrevernos con sinceridad a observarnos sin juicios, sólo para conocernos un poco, crecer en humildad y calidad del Ser: preguntémonos si en nombre de ese amor a veces manipulamos, mentimos? entramos en relaciones de fuerza y de dominación?
El signo de escorpio está vinculado al Poder pero no solamente en su vertiente negativa, escorpio es esa potencia de vida que nos levanta aún en lo mas bajo, que nos permite renacer de nuestras cenizas, que nos transforma; que nos ayuda a liberar nuestros miedos para poder abrirnos a lo desconocido..
Una luna llena para tomar conciencia, exponer lo que podemos ofrecer a la Tierra de manera simbólica durante el equinoccio otoñal, cuando día y noche tienen la misma duración. Este equinoccio de otoño para el Hemisferio Norte nos permite adentrarnos un poco en la oscuridad invernal para así mostrar nuestra propia luz…. la luz del corazón…

Caroline xx


Full Moon in Pisces sends us into the axes of Virgo – Pisces…

The Sun in the sign of Virgo puts limits to us, our physical and psychic boundaries by inviting us to observe in a meticulous way our manner our functioning and of organising our daily life. it defines our individuality, our feeling of being unique.
Some say that it ‘routine-izes’ us…
The Moon in Pisces that opposes it talks of our necessity for rituals, to ritualise our daily life.. So that the discipline of Virgo can be converted into offerings to the world, to this cosmic ocean from which we sometimes experience nostalgia…
For this Moon in Pisces wants us to come out of ourselves, from these limits that do us a disservice and stop us from moving forward in our quest… It wishes to dissolve the boundaries of our Me to melt us into an differentiated belonging, it brings up compassion and empathy in us….
Let us harmonize with subtlety these two poles so that we do not forget ourselves in the Other, in the search for a lost paradise…so that we do not stagnate in a melancholic sadness that stops us from living a daily life rich in rituals, in small enlightened acts.
The period of this Full Moon invites us to dare! Yes, dare to look inside of ourselves, to test our deep resistances. the eve of this Full Moon is marked by a conjunction with Saturn, Venus, North Knot in the sign of Scorpio, and this brings to the surface some deep questions: What holds us back from loving, loving ourselves, loving the Other in his or her authenticity, loving those parts of us in the other that disturb us, make us more obscure?
Dare with sincerity to observe ourselves without judgement, just to know ourselves a little better, grow in humility and quality of being: In the name of this love, do we manipulate ourselves sometimes? Do we lie to ourselves? Do we enter relations of force and domination?
The sign of Scorpio is a link with Power, but not just in its negative aspect, the Scorpio is this force of life that lifts us from our lowest points, that lets us be reborn from our ashes, to transform us, to let go of our fears to open ourselves to the unknown..
A Full Moon to take conscience, put into the light what we can do, can be offered to the Earth in a symbolic manner during the equinox from the 22nd of September when the night and day are have exactly the same length.
This autumnal equinox for the Northern Hemisphere allows us to accept to enter a bit into the winter obscurity to put our light in in….light of the heart.

Caroline xx

caroline moye

Antigua Guatemala

et France.