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Category Archives: Taurus

Full Moon In Taurus 6 november

For many of us, these recent times have been marked by an emotional intensity, deep regrets that still call us to have faith… 

Faith that everything has a meaning, even if we are still in the clouds. Once again, we are faced with chaos during this full moon (Pluto conjoined to Mars in the Uranus quadrant), life pushes us to grow, to change what is no longer in alignment with what we deeply are…

But mainly, this moon in the sign of Taurus comes to remind us of the simplicity in appreciating the small things in life: the solidity of a tree, birdsong, a flower opening itself to the sun…they remind us of Mother Earth’s force, that she is here, that she supports us, that she carries and nourishes us…

In these times of troubles, let us feel our roots, feel our anchorage, even simply our feet which every day feel the earth, each day the sun comes up, night falls, reminding us that everything is cyclical, everything changes and transmutes… 

The axis of this Taurus/Scorpio full moons puts us face to face with the mysteries of the invisible which unveil themselves in the beauty of what is visible, in the simplicity of our existences…

A softness from this feminine moon, which even though it challenges us, still invites us to look at the existential side of things, of being a tightrope walker of existence, we walk on an invisible string suspended in the chaos of the cosmos… 

A full moon to stop, take the time, accept the slowness of out processes. We want to change so many things within ourselves, outside of ourselves, who we are is never good enough, our eyes are judgemental and harsh..

.We forget that Mother Earth is here, that she hears our suffering and can welcome them, transform them…

I connect to all of you who read my words regularly, or reading them for the first time, I breathe slowly knowing that the Earth is here, that it is certain, that I am alive… We are alive, linked and supported… 

If you would like to share a few words, I will pick at random and offer you a reading…. 

Yours sincerely

Caroline xx

Solar eclipse and New Moon in Taurus 28-29 April

A new moon and a solar eclipse in the sign of Taurus…after some seeds sown recently, daily work seems to open up, and the perseverance of the gardener who cultivates, waters and takes care of these treasures. The solar eclipse amplifies this return to Earth, by giving us the possibility of a reset, as if the rays of sunshine were kept in the dark to help us light it up.

Taurus speaks to us of our link with the earth, of incarnation, it asks us to preserve our garden: a garden that is outside us, nature, the environment, but also inside, the body as a temple.  

The glyph of Taurus on a deeper level drawn with horns, a feminine shape that receives the masculine solar energy and that makes it flesh, that incarnates this light. It’s a sign that tells us of our need for pleasure: in the way of fully wakening our senses to the beauty that surrounds us; at the beauty of being alive, of feeling as if our body is the sacred vehicle for a divine energy. We are the guardians of this temple, the guardians of our earth upon which our body takes roots.

In its need for security, the energy of Taurus attaches itself, wishes to accumulate, thinks that what it has reflects what it is. Mercury conjoined to this new moon can help us really integrate the fact that our value, our brilliance does not come only from our possessions, from the money in our bank account, from a beautiful body, but comes from the live presence that inhabits our body and our relationship to matter. To vibrate and sublimate matter is for me the deep initiation of Taurus: put some sacredness in each of our actions and of our pleasures (conscious nourishment, sexuality, protection of mother earth).

Managed by Venus, at this time in Pisces, the energy asks us also to acquire a global conscience of lunar and terrestrial cycles, like for example re-linking with ancestral matriarchal wisdom, a time when the cult of the Great Goddess was in its peak.

We shine all the more when we take conscience that our life is in harmony with the mysteries of nature and the cosmos.

I would like to again propose a space of sharing in private, please take care to tell me what your time, date and place of birth is, and if you have a specific question which resonates with this new moon.

Caroline xx


Cette pleine lune nous éclaire encore peut être plus que les autres sur nos profondeurs. Les lunaisons se suivent et nous sommes encore et encore appelés à aller plus loin dans cette descente, à devenir des alchimistes transformant notre plomb en or.


Le Soleil, Mercure, Le Nœud Nord et Saturne sont en Scorpion, il nous est demandé un profond nettoyage, une purification de nos errances mentales, de nos attachements émotionnels.


Regardez l’intimité dans nos relations : ce que nous donnons, offrons, partageons ou au contraire ce que nous cachons, préservons, conservons.

Chacun de ces mots émet une tonalité différente, sur laquelle vibrons-nous ?

Car la Lune et le Nœud Sud en Taureau, polarité du Scorpion nous parlent de notre lien avec la matière, la densité, notre corps, les objets dont nous avons besoin…

Derrière cette matière que nous sommes et qui nous entourent….que se cache- t-il ? Peut-on aussi y déceler une vibration ?
L’axe Taureau- Scorpion nous parle de la matière habitée, habitée par une force, une énergie, une présence…

A un niveau plus profond si nous regardons le glyphe du Taureau : les cornes sont une coupe, un réceptacle, des antennes capables de recevoir et d’émettre une qualité de présence qui provient d’un ailleurs, du dedans ? Mystère du Scorpion !


Une qualité d’amour nous répond, Venus, régente du Taureau : la qualité réceptive du yin, du féminin..

Venus qui se trouve conjointe à Pluton en carré à Uranus en cette Pleine Lune nous demande de descendre dans l’exploration de ce féminin sacré, de réfléchir à ces mythes de Méduse, Médée, Lilith…

Ces déesses, femmes qui a un moment donné sont devenues laides, dépouillées de leur connexion sacrée à la Terre, coupées  de leur attribut de réceptacle d’une information divine…


Elles sont rentrées dans l’ombre et depuis quelques années semblent en sortir…


Céres, archétype de la Grande Déesse Mère se trouve aussi en prise avec le carré Pluton – Uranus dans le signe de la Balance nous demandant un équilibre entre masculin/ féminin, Terre/ Ciel.


Une Pleine Lune pour aller à la rencontre de cette terre sacrée, nourricière qui nous porte et nous habite…peut être juste en recevant la beauté de cette pleine lune qui se dessine dans le ciel et son reflet sur notre Terre.


Caroline xx

caroline moye

Antigua Guatemala

et France.