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Tag Archives: Poissons

New Moon (Super Moon) in Pisces + Total Solar Eclipse 8th/9th March

Mantra: We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience (Teilhard de Chardin)

It is an intense moon, magical, full of potential if we activate our inner magician.

The moon is the closest to the earth and the eclipse generates an electromagnetic resonance field. So, these powerful energies and planetary alignments design in the sky symbolic doors that we have the possibility to open within us.

In the realms of pisces we enter the invisible, we dive into the Ocean of collective unconscious, the mysteries of life and creation. But above all, we are to face the Unknown, this void that we all carry in us, the deep calling to reunite with source, to unveil the illusion of separation.

For the pisces native, those who have a lot of pisces or neptune in their chart, the feeling can seem familiar: the nostalgia of a lost paradise, the intense sensibility to others, to life, so intense that we can get lost in addictions or in the flow of emotions too difficult to handle for our physical form.

This moon also carries deep healing energies ( in conjunction with Ceres the Great Mother Goddess and Chiron the wounded healer ). She offers us the opportunity to heal the deep wounds of this ancestral separation, lack of support, disconnection from Gaia, the Great Mother. …

Yes, we are asked to feel our deep connection with Mother Earth, to remember that She is there and She has always been there, whatever our childhood or karmic wounds are, we are bound to it, we are her children, she carries us within, we are the fruits of her womb …

She gives us support and roots so that we can become creator of our reality…

Do not forget the treasure that is our imagination when it is aligned with our aspirations, when it is not a flight from reality but that we take time in the silence of our spiritual practice to connect with this creative force, to manifest in our lives the essence of who we are; that we dare to live in harmony with the call that inspires us but can also hurt us when we do not respond …

Yes, it can be a pain in childbirth, because this path on earth is not easy, we must learn to unlearn. To capture the language of pisces, our mind must navigate in other spheres by using dreams, decoding symbols, archetypes, the essence of the myths …

Saturn aspecting this Moon reminds us of the frustrations and challenges of anchoring this invisible dimension in reality. Sometimes these are beliefs that society files in us that simply prevent us from living our spirituality every day! “I will be taken for a fool, me for a madman.” We have to risk not being understood and heard in our quintessential …

Sometimes we get lost in the sky, and I know this issue, our inner world is rich, our dreams explosive but we are shocked by matter which seems too cold, insensitive, bossy … and we prefer to flee, to develop strategies of avoidance that can ultimately harm us ….

Saturn comes to teach us, to anchor us, to build a structure, a discipline in our lives, and that’s what Jupiter in Virgo also reminds us! This structure is our axis symbolized by our skeleton, it’s what keeps us standing, which allows us to take root in the depths of the earth while rising to heaven …

It is a journey that requires patience and perseverance (saturn virtues) but also a profound engagement with ourselves to journey in this sense..

With this New Moon in Pisces, I also open to you my services accompanying this path via intuitive spiritual coaching, to materialize your inner essence by connecting with your heart and intuition! We are not meant to journey alone, we have incarnate and invisible allies. I’m here to be your ally and walk with you through my posts. I commit to write every week and every moon but also if you feel the calling through individual sessions, I am here for you!

I also connect with all the sisters around the earth so we can celebrate the feminine inside us , honoring its deep and beautiful qualities…

In connection of the heart …

Caroline xx

caroline moye

Antigua Guatemala

et France.