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Full Moon In Taurus 6 november

For many of us, these recent times have been marked by an emotional intensity, deep regrets that still call us to have faith… 

Faith that everything has a meaning, even if we are still in the clouds. Once again, we are faced with chaos during this full moon (Pluto conjoined to Mars in the Uranus quadrant), life pushes us to grow, to change what is no longer in alignment with what we deeply are…

But mainly, this moon in the sign of Taurus comes to remind us of the simplicity in appreciating the small things in life: the solidity of a tree, birdsong, a flower opening itself to the sun…they remind us of Mother Earth’s force, that she is here, that she supports us, that she carries and nourishes us…

In these times of troubles, let us feel our roots, feel our anchorage, even simply our feet which every day feel the earth, each day the sun comes up, night falls, reminding us that everything is cyclical, everything changes and transmutes… 

The axis of this Taurus/Scorpio full moons puts us face to face with the mysteries of the invisible which unveil themselves in the beauty of what is visible, in the simplicity of our existences…

A softness from this feminine moon, which even though it challenges us, still invites us to look at the existential side of things, of being a tightrope walker of existence, we walk on an invisible string suspended in the chaos of the cosmos… 

A full moon to stop, take the time, accept the slowness of out processes. We want to change so many things within ourselves, outside of ourselves, who we are is never good enough, our eyes are judgemental and harsh..

.We forget that Mother Earth is here, that she hears our suffering and can welcome them, transform them…

I connect to all of you who read my words regularly, or reading them for the first time, I breathe slowly knowing that the Earth is here, that it is certain, that I am alive… We are alive, linked and supported… 

If you would like to share a few words, I will pick at random and offer you a reading…. 

Yours sincerely

Caroline xx

caroline moye

Antigua Guatemala

et France.