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new moon in Leo 23rd july

Mantra: Dare to act upon the roaring of your hearts … ..

Translation from french ( not perfect but written with my heart)

It is a strong new moon that is announcing  a powerful month of August in its creative and expressive potential …
Many planets are in the sign of Leo, Mars is conjoined to this New Moon and Mercury is conjoined to the North Node ….

Those astrological energies strengthen the initiatique call of leo: cultivating our sovereignty, ruling over our lives from the Heart by irradiating an authentic expression, daring to act upon  the  murmurs of our inner voice … 

The quest of Leo  is the quest for the Holy Grail. It awakens the hero, the heroine in each of us. His/Her journey often begins by facing a challenge, feeling unsatisfied (Uranus is also in square to the Moon) with our life.

Uranus has been working in the sky for the past months reminding us to cultivate our authenticity, to answer the call for freedom and uniqueness…

However, the first initiation comes: will we dare to start, to respond to the call of the heart? Will we become painter of our life?  

It is a difficult stage because it requires us to break with social, family and cultural expectations and to choose a singular, atypical road … but our heart is whispering , sometimes even cyring or roaring…”it is the right road, just follow my thread”.

Will we have the courage to follow him? Will we dare to go in search without falling into the idealization of a freedom, a journey, a country, a being …?

Indeed, it is a journey that calls us to emerge in our singular expression from the heart but also not fall into the illusions of false promises, the longing for a lost paradise that disconnects us from the moment …

There is a subtle dance between acting on our heart while remaining present to our interiority and being caught by the outside light that can divert us by effects of Mirror of the true quest of our inner heart … ..

I feel that this month, with the eclipses season beginning, will drag us into this challenge to dare to roar, to dare to open our  heart to the love of what is, in a movement of confidence towards life , universe, while renouncing to the paths of illusion that disconnect us from our essence.

Sometimes detours are necessary, they are initiatory, we draw from them unsuspected treasures that teach us humility, service and acceptance..

Finally, in the aftermath of Saint Mary Magdalene, the difficult astrological aspect between Venus in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces can invite us to dissolve our beliefs in relation to our desire, our values ​​and confidence in ourselves. Maybe the key reside in dissolving what we believe to be true, just like the archetype of Mary Magdalene so misunderstood, so flouted in her truth … let us not forget to pierce the truth beyond deceptive appearances, narrow minded judgment..

We can apply this in connection with our desires and our values, openning the doors … because there is a celestial movement that connects us and makes us dance, if we live it from the heart, we are then artists of this dance, even if sometimes been being a tightrope walker

Cultivate the stars in you  heart … hang them in the sky ,  we need this so much …

Caroline xx

caroline moye

Antigua Guatemala

et France.