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New Moon in Libra 4 oct ( 5:34pm PDT )

This New Moon in the sign of Libra makes us work on the axis of the ‘I’ and the ‘We’, our relationship with otherness, to the peace that we create in ourselves and with others…
Libra is an inanimate sign, which sends us through its glyph to the judgement of the soul in Egypt during which the heart of the deceased is is weighed and measured against justice and truth (the feather of Maat) in order to decide on their access to eternal life…
The quest of Libra is that of perfection, an aesthetic perfection attentive to shapes; it is a path to reconciling opposites…
The voice of the middle, as the Egyptian myth reminds us, is the purity of our heart…
Venus, goddess of beauty and love, traditional mistress of Libra is in the sign of Scorpio, inviting us perhaps to look at beauty of another order, or rather she might be taking us to the end of an alchemist’s operation to transform our mud into gold. The mud, for example, present in our inner soul, or that we get the impression that the Other reflects us; these relationships that are mirrors of our vulnerability, of our shadowy sides, of our dependency of the Other’s gaze…
This New Moon also mobilizes our individuality, our singularity in our way of being in the world. Uranus, in opposition to this Mew Moon seems to infuse the energy of Aries, the pioneer ‘I’ that throws itself in new adventures without looking around it…
The adventurer, the amazonian are the archetypes that can fascinate us, titillate us by manifesting in our visions, our art, our waking dreams, where we project our desires of freedom, of following our path despite what the wind is murmuring to us…
How do we reconciliate our singularity, our thirst for freedom and a harmonious relationship with the Other? A classically recurrent question for some, even stronger I feel for the Aquarius era and those that vibrate in their birth chart with Promethean energies (Uranus, Aquarius).
Or on the contrary, we can polarize these aspirations, be in total fusion with the Other, align our desires and ideals on the Other…But then where is our singularity, our deep sense of the ‘I am’ in this ‘Us’?
Talking of Uranus in these times is also lifting the Uranus-Pluto square that since the 24th of June 2012 troubles us collectively as well as individually. Pluto in the sign of Capricorn purifies us, asks for a transformation, to not stay frozen in our internal structures but also to attach to institutions, traditions…
Libra reminds us of the middle path: starting with a clean slate from the old, or staying in the old and changing it deeply; does anything else exist?
It is a question that we can ask ourselves about our couple, our professional relationships: radical breach, changing person or staying in this bond, purifying it from the inside to hope for something new…
Each person, depending on their birth theme, will be touched by these classical questions in some way, but which with this New Moon can come to titillate us from inside…
These few days that precede the New Moon are propitious to this contemplation, often we do not take the time to listen to this inner movement that invites us to be hermits, to separate ourselves for a while from outside activities…

Caroline xx

caroline moye

Antigua Guatemala

et France.