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Category Archives: scorpio

New Moon In Scorpio 30 oct

Mantra: Cultivons la reliance à Nous, aux autres, au monde, au Cosmos…

Une Nouvelle lune est toujours l’occasion de semer une nouvelle graine car nous avons arraché les mauvaises herbes de notre jardin intérieur.
C’est d’autant plus vrai dans le signe du scorpion qui nous appelle toujours et toujours à une grande transformation, à nous aligner avec les cycles de la vie, de la mort et de la résurrection…

Il nous plonge face aux mystères de l’intime, de l’obscur de ce qui se joue aussi énergétiquement dans nos relations. Dans son ombre, le Scorpion cache, détourne, manipule l’énergie souvent par inconscience de ce qui se joue réellement en lui. Nous ne pouvons pas apprivoiser le scorpion en nous sans travailler avec les mystères de l’Univers, travailler en conscience pour éclairer nos zones d’ombres.

Avec la conjonction de Mercure pour cette lune il peut sans doute s’agir des endroits où ne disons pas la vérité, nous nous mentons par facilité, peur de se confronter à nos désirs les plus profonds et intenses…

Dans le chemin qui mène au scorpion nous grandissons par la confrontation, nous fusionnons avec un autre souvent en perdant nos limites et ainsi renaître à une force nouvelle. La cause profonde est notre désir d’évoluer, n’oublions pas que le Scorpion est régi par Pluton, archétype qui correspond à notre âme ( je vous livre ici des bribes de la nouvelle orientation que prend mes études d’astrologie “ l’astrologie évolutive” ). Cette confrontation n’a d’autre but que de nous ramener sur le chemin à nous même, à trouver nos ressources en nous.

L’aspect positif des Noeuds lunaires et de Neptune sur cette Lune, peut véritablement nous aider à “spiritualiser” les résistances ou les heurts que nous rencontrons dans cette quête de transparence avec nous même et avec autrui. Dans un premier temps, en venant nous aider à déceler lorsque nous tombons dans des vieux schémas relationnels ou d’obsessions avec nous mêmes, lorsque la répétition est telle que nous n’avons d’autre choix que d’en rire, de la regarder, lui dire merci pour ce qu’elle nous a appris, puis la laisser partir en lui ouvrant la porte…

Neptune, vient nous rappeler que nous faisons tous partie de la même grande toile, que nous avons un fil magique, doré en nous qui nous relie à cette toile cosmique et à tous les autres. Dès lors nous ne sommes jamais seuls, nous sommes toujours reliés au cosmos. Il y a un nous un feu, un point de reliance qui ne s’éteint jamais.

Pour eux il existe des fils du temps et des fils du futur, nous pouvons choisir de nous relier à certains et de les suivres, nous pouvons tisser notre vie déployer notre fil depuis l’intérieur de nous à l’extérieur..
Si nous suivons ce fil, nous ne serons jamais seul et décentré, toujours relié….

Seulement, la conjonction Vénus, Saturne vient nous rappeler de ne pas nous voler trop haut en ignorant aussi notre engagement pris sur la Terre, dans le concret, dans la matière. Saturne peut nous demander avec Venus de nous engager à notre propre harmonie et joie. En effet l’ombre du scorpion peut tomber dans la dépendance d’un autre, d’une énergie qui nous remplissait et nous faisait vibrer à l’Unisson avec le Tout. Si cela est sans doute vrai, Saturne vient nous rappeler de cultiver d’abord cela en nous, en trouvant nos propres ressources intérieures.

Rechercher en nous ce qui nous fait vibrer et nous sentir connectés pour ensuite le mettre en commun avec autrui mais sans se perdre. ( défi du scorpion)

Et je dirais que même si il se perd et prend pour lui les énergies d’autrui , il peut toujours les transformer en lumière, c’est une décision que de se faire mal avec…

Caroline xx

New Moon in Scorpio 11/11

Mantra: in embracing uncertainty we are reborn

Symbolically at each new moon we start a new 28-day cycle, on which it s a time to sow a new intention. This one is even stronger with the Symbolic of 11.11 ( a high spiritual number)

In the sign of Scorpio we are brought face to face with the mysteries of the unseen, the impermanence of things: we are born, we die, and are reborn…

This New Moon Trine Chiron (the archetype of the “Wounded Healer” ) and conjunct Mercury astrological aspect seems to open a door in order to find a new key in the quest of our healing process.

We all live in varying times of suffering, anxiety or irrational fears. Scorpio can force us to descend into those dark places, which are mostly unknown!

Yes! Like Persephone or Inanna we must strip ourselves of everything we think we know, the need to dive into the unknown, to get rid of the useless, and embrace the impermanence of who we think we are.

I feel that this New Moon can be an opportunity to walk through a symbolic door, to decree something strong for us, accepting to let go of all these false beliefs that we have about ourselves and all that we believe to be true !

What if we could look in the mirror and see something different? Would it were possible for us to feel how these thoughts which are useless and toxic separates us? Just setting the intention of letting go and allowing this process of rebirthing to occur, even if we still do not know what we are birthing to!

We are asked to simply accept that this is a moment of change, of transformation and that we are moving forward. We must trust and grow while our ‘end point’ is still uncertain.

Chiron makes us face the mysteries of suffering but also the possibility of transforming it for us and for others. It gives us the opportunity to receive via intuition or even just feeling the energy of the moon that something new is possible for us, as we approach our axis, alignment of our body, mind and soul…

Let’s transform Mercury into a passer that allows us to navigate between the different dimensions of our being, interconnecting them our conscious, subconscious parts of who we are.

We are asked to accept especially during New Moon that there are mysteries beyond us and that we can only let ourselves go with the flow of what we feel. We are asked not to judge this process (mercury affecting our critical and rational brain)!

Yes! Not judge what we feel, what we believe to be true!

Do not assume what we think others think and feel.

This New Moon is presenting a challenge: to plunge into the unknown with confidence that something in us is moving and that we have enough power to be reborn and renewed.

A little video on this New Moon 

Caroline xx

Full Moon in Scorpio 3-4 May


Wesak Full Moon, Flower Moon , Mother’s Moon!

Mantra: Transforming our shadows into flowers from our heart …

The month of May opens with intense energy, this full moon highlights the shade, we are called to go down into the most abandoned areas of our being in order to dare to light a small candle …
A glimmer of conscience in the dark, daring to travel in these unknown areas, dare to become an alchemist and transform the sludge into gold ….

The scorpion Moon talks about these repressed emotions, swallowed, those that engage our physical body, those that often prevent us from feeling free and aligned with life. They can be magnified these days because the Full Moon is square to Jupiter in leo.
When we enter the realms of Scorpio we are asked not to resist but to accept the energy of change, transformation and rebirth. One such symbol is the phoenix reborn from the ashes. On the eve of full moon we can go to our inner selves and take time to observe what we ask is reborn, what skin can we get rid of?

For it is also a Flower Full Moon Mother Earth’s Moon, the sun is bull symbol of fertility, creativity, Gaia … it is also a message of hope in light of current events in Nepal after the destruction, the shadow, the rebirth is possible, the flowers can grow again …

This Full Moon is strong, intense as it asks us to get to work or continue to go explore our depths to not get bogged down but able to break free and enjoy life, enjoy the beauty around us. It is the experience of the scorpion taureau- axis, the visible and the invisible, matter and energy, light and shadow, these poles are connected we are to walk like tightrope walkers vigilantly to maintain this delicate balance.

Finally the Full Moon Wesak celebrates Buddha’s birthday and the Neptune sextile to this Full Moon, here I feel a profound appeal to compassion for the other who is in the dark and shadow, sometimes you just (right? – Doesn’t make sense) light a candle, to send our light to this person, in this country …

So again my lights head to all those who feel in the shadows and who do not see doors to get out ….
PS: I offer in readings a consult with your chart in connection with the shadow some planets or locations in our birth chart tell us about these places that we meet more through our reactions (anger, rage, feeling impotence), the theme of reading can help us put conscience on these issues and give us the keys to become alchemists of our reality!

PS (bis): the mantra of this Full Moon came to me in a dream where two of my teachers (coaching and meditation / chakras) told me “your power Resides In transforming the dark in flowers from your heart …”. beautiful message to reflect on this May, what is yours?

Caroline xx

Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Scorpio, 23rd of October 2014

A partial solar eclipse marks the moment in which the sun, the moon and the Earth are in alignment, and where we see the moon come in front of the sun, thus blocking the normal diffusion of solar energy..

The new moon that is produced is intense, it really marks the end of a cycle and the rebirth of something new in our lives.

In the sign of Scorpio conjoined with Venus, it brings us like Inanna to descend into the underworld so that we can symbolically release what is impeding us to find our own power.

This descent into the shadows is strong, asks for our courage, and it is impossible to pretend, impossible to hide the knots that inhabit our inner selves. It is sometimes within the intimacy of our relationships in the sign of Scorpio that we are forced to look at things, potential power games, our own zones of shadow: Are we really honest in what we ask and express to the other? Do we talk from a standpoint of love or do we sometimes let ourselves be dominated by fear by hiding and manipulating what we are really feeling?

Yes, going down to observe our emotions, what is hiding behind our symptoms, what is being said? Can we be born again to ourselves despite this eclipse by honouring our lunar needs, by respecting our emotions even if we sometimes find them ugly or inconvenient?

And we are helped by the Trigone of Neptune which reminds us that even in the darkness, there is light, that we are not alone even if this crossing of the darkness is sometimes done in solitude, we must not forget that we are connected to the universal consciousness, that there are others like us who are lost in the darkness, who are looking for their own light, and that we can be linked to them, by having compassion for ourselves and for all of human suffering…

But this new moon and eclipse do not only talk to us of the shadow – they also hold the strength of the Phoenix that comes back from its ashes, by inviting us to transmute our lead into gold to be reborn, to connect to our strength, to this noble interior force, often more humble after this crossing…

It is a journey to connect ourselves to our light, the beauty that resides within, which we discover sometimes in the mud or in places we expected the least…

A time of renewal and of transformation, daring to plant inside this moon one of the seeds of transformation to accompany us in this journey. 

One small detail: Mercury will become direct on the 25th of October, I don’t know if like me you are waiting for this with impatience, because even if this brings us to a time of inner focus, this is not something to resent, well at least not for me…

Yours sincerely.

Please don’t hesitate to share and comment on my article, I will be choosing at random from the comments to offer a theme reading linked to this new moon.

Caroline xx

caroline moye

Antigua Guatemala

et France.